How to make API calls using Python’s urllib.request and requests modules

How to make API calls using Python’s urllib.request and requests modules


API stands for Application Programming Interface. It describes how two or more software communicate with each other by way of requests and responses. Many large applications are integrated with at least one API. By following a given API’s specifications, a program can retrieve data from the API or modify data on the API’s server.


In this article, you will learn how to make API calls in Python using the urllib.request and requests modules.


To follow along with this tutorial, you need to:

  • have a basic knowledge of Python

  • know how to read API documentations


The focus of this article will be only on GET requests. Using a functional programming approach, this article will demonstrate how to query APIs by solving some related tasks. The JSONPlaceholder API will be used for these demos.

The urllib.request module

urllib.request is a Python module that can fetch and open URLs. The urlopen() method of this module is used to get the content of a web page at a given URL. It accepts a number of arguments but only the url argument is relevant to the current discussion:

urlopen(url, ...)

Check out this tutorial on urllib.request from the official Python documentation to learn more about this module and the urlopen() method.

url is a string describing the URL of the web page you want to access.

To use the urllib.request module, you must first import it:

import urllib.request

You can then call the urlopen method, passing it the URL you want to open:

with urllib.request.urlopen('') as response:
    # some more code

You can also directly import the urlopen method:

from urllib.request import urlopen

with urlopen('') as response:
    # some more code

response is an HTTPResponse object. It is similar to a file object, so you may call file object methods, such as read(), on it.

How to query API using the urllib.request module

As already stated, the JSONPlaceholder API is used in this tutorial. The API guide shows the relationship between the different paths and how to make various types of requests (GET, POST, etc.). The focus of this article is only GET requests. Let’s begin with the first task.

TASK 1. Given the JSONPlaceholder API, write a function that returns all the information about a post with a given ID.

Solution. Let the function prototype be get_post_by_id(id).

Here are the steps (or pseudocode):

  1. Import the json module and the urlopen function from the urllib.request module

  2. Validate that id is an integer (or can be converted to an integer, e.g. '6') in the range 1–100 (there are 100 posts)

  3. Use urlopen to get the HTTP response for the given post URL

  4. Call the read() method on the response to convert it to a byte string

  5. Use the json.loads() method to deserialize the byte string to a dictionary

This is the function:

def get_post_by_id(id):
    '''Get information about a post with ID id

    Arg: @id - Post ID
    Return: A dictionary with info about the post
    from urllib.request import urlopen
    import json

        if int(id) >= 1 and int(id) <= 100:
            with urlopen(f'{id}') as response:
                return json.loads(
        return 'id must be an integer in the range 1–100'
        return 'id must be an integer in the range 1–100'

For this API, id can be a number in string format (see Step 2 above). The try/except block ensures that the int(id) comparison raises no exception when id cannot be converted to int. This is the output when you call the function with different kinds of arguments:

TASK 2. Using the same API, write a function that returns all comments to a certain post.

Solution. Each post has an id, so let the function prototype be get_post_comments(post_id). According to the API documentation, the URL for post comments can take two forms:{post_id}/comments or{post_id}

Here are the steps:

  1. Import the json module and the urlopen function from the urllib.request module

  2. Validate that post_id is an integer (or can be converted to an integer) in the range 1–100

  3. Use urlopen to get the HTTP response for any of the URL above

  4. Call the read() method on the response to convert it to a byte string

  5. Use the json.loads() method to deserialize the byte string

This is the code:

def get_post_comments(post_id):
    '''Get all comments to a post with ID post_id

    Arg: @post_id - Post ID
    Return: A list of all comments to the post
    from urllib.request import urlopen
    import json

        if int(post_id) >= 1 and int(post_id) <= 100:
            with urlopen(f'{post_id}') as response:
                return json.loads(
        return 'id must be an integer in the range 1–100'
        return 'id must be an integer in the range 1–100'

This is the output when the function is called with an integer and a non-numerical string:

The requests module

The requests module is a third-party Python HTTP library. It’s easier to use than the urllib.request library. To use the requests module, you must first install it (if your development environment doesn’t have it preinstalled). After installation, you can then import the module:

import requests

The get() method is used to get a webpage.

response = requests.get(url)

url is the URL of the webpage you want to get. There are many methods and attributes you can call on response: text returns the content of the response in string format, json() decodes the content (if it’s a supported JSON string), and status_code returns the response status code. Check out the Requests documentation to learn more about the module and its methods and attributes.

How to query API using the requests module

The following tasks are more complex than the previous ones. The aim, besides demonstrating how to use the requests module, is to show that requests may be more suitable for more advanced tasks than urllib.request. There will be no input validation for the following tasks.

TASK 3. Write a function that returns a dictionary of a user’s todos. The format of the dictionary should be: { "user USERID": [{"todo": "TODO_TITLE", "completed": TODO_COMPLETION_STATUS, "username": "USERNAME"}, {"todo": "TODO_TITLE", "completed": TODO_COMPLETION_STATUS, "username": "USERNAME"}, ... ]}

All components in uppercase will be replaced dynamically.

Solution. Let the function prototype be user_todos(user_id). Here are the steps:

  1. Import the requests module

  2. Use the requests.get() method to get the todos

  3. Use the json() method to convert the todos response to a dictionary

  4. Use the requests.get() method to get the users

  5. Use the json() method to convert users to a list of dictionaries

  6. Get the element (dictionary) representing the user with the given id

  7. Use the dict.get() method to get the username for this user

  8. Set an empty dictionary (todos_dict) to hold the user’s todos and an empty list (inner_list) to hold the details of these todos

  9. Loop through the todos obtained in step 3 above

    • Each time, set a dictionary to hold the todo title, the todo completion status and the username of the user who owns the todo

    • Then append this dictionary to inner_list of step 8 above

  10. Outside the loop, set a 'user USERID' key for todos_dict of step 8 and assign inner_list as the value of this key

  11. Return todos_dict

This is the code:

def user_todos(user_id):
    '''Get information about a user's todos, given the user id.

    Arg: @user_id - user id
    Return: a dict of this form
        {"user USERID": 
            [{"todo": "TODO_TITLE", "completed": TODO_COMPLETION_STATUS, "username": "USERNAME"},
            {"todo": "TODO_TITLE", "completed": TODO_COMPLETION_STATUS, "username": "USERNAME"},
    import requests

    todos = requests.get(f'{user_id}/todos')
    todos = todos.json()
    users = requests.get('')
    username = users.json()[user_id - 1].get('username')
    todos_dict = {}
    inner_list = []

    for todo in todos:
        inner_dict = {}
        inner_dict['task'] = todo.get('title')
        inner_dict['completed'] = todo.get('completed')
        inner_dict['username'] = username

    todos_dict[f'user {user_id}'] = inner_list

    return todos_dict

This is a part of the output when the function is called:

TASK 4. Write a function that returns all users’ todos as a dictionary. The format of the dictionary should be: {"user USER_ID": [{"todo": "TODO_TITLE", "completed": TODO_COMPLETION_STATUS, "username": "USERNAME"}, {"todo": "TODO_TITLE", "completed": TODO_COMPLETION_STATUS, "username": "USERNAME"}, ...], "user USER_ID": [{"todo": "TODO_TITLE", "completed": TODO_COMPLETION_STATUS, "username": "USERNAME"}, {"todo": "TODO_TITLE", "completed": TODO_COMPLETION_STATUS, "username": "USERNAME"}, ...], ...}

Solution. Let the function prototype be all_users_todos(). Here are the steps:

  1. Import the requests module

  2. Set a list of user ids (there are 10 users).

  3. Use the requests.get() method to get the users

  4. Set an empty dict, todos_dict, to hold the details of each user’s todos

  5. Loop through user_ids (step 2). For each id:

    1. Get the todos for the user using requests.get()

    2. Use the json() method to convert users (step 3) to a list of dictionaries

    3. Get the element (dictionary) representing the user with the current id

    4. Use the dict.get() method to get the username for this user

    5. Set an empty list inner_list

    6. Loop through the todos (Step 5.1). For each todo:

      1. Set an empty dict inner_dict

      2. Set inner_dict['username'] to username (step 5.4)

      3. Use dict.get() to get the todo title and assign it to inner_dict['task']

      4. Use dict.get() to get the todo completion status and assign it to inner_dict['completed']

      5. Append inner_dict to inner_list (step 5.5)

    7. Outside the inner loop but inside the outer loop, set a 'user USERID' key for todos_dict (step 4) and assign inner_list as the value of this key.

  6. Outside the outer loop, return todos_dict

This is the code:

def all_users_todos():
    """Get info about all users' todos

    Return: a dict of this form
        {"user USER_ID": [{"todo": "TODO_TITLE", "completed": TODO_COMPLETION_STATUS, "username": "USERNAME"},
                          {"todo": "TODO_TITLE", "completed": TODO_COMPLETION_STATUS, "username": "USERNAME"}, ...],
         "user USER_ID": [{"todo": "TODO_TITLE", "completed": TODO_COMPLETION_STATUS, "username": "USERNAME"},
                          {"todo": "TODO_TITLE", "completed": TODO_COMPLETION_STATUS, "username": "USERNAME"}, ...],
    import requests

    user_ids = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
    users = requests.get('')
    todos_dict = {}

    for id in user_ids:
        todos = requests.get(f'{id}/todos')
        username = users.json()[id - 1].get('username')
        inner_list = []

        for todo in todos.json():
            inner_dict = {}
            inner_dict['username'] = username
            inner_dict['task'] = todo.get('title')
            inner_dict['completed'] = todo.get('completed')

        todos_dict[f'user {id}'] = inner_list

    return todos_dict

This is some sections of the output when the function is called:


The urllib.request and requests packages are Python libraries for making HTTP requests. Focusing only on GET methods, we have seen how these packages can be used to query APIs. While this article has only scratched the surface of the full power of these packages, I hope you are now curious to explore them more.